The following is an excerpt from a United Civil Liberties Union (UCLA) pamphlet titled “Justice for Kurtow”. [Originally published nine years ago.]

After the initial earthquake devastated the Kurtow megadistrict, cargo planes would frequently airdrop supplies, clothing, and MRE rations into the area. Once the wall was built to separate Kurtow from the rest of Pallad City, this approach allegedly continued and—according to the the government—continues to this day. However, city officials have declined to provide the public with an accurate record of which supplies are provided or how often they are sent.

The government maintains that assistance to Kurtow is “ongoing.” Should we take their word for it? Can residents in Kurtow, whose lives depend on these supplies, afford to?

For too long the people of Kurtow have been ignored. The government and Pallad City officials must be held accountable for the gross neglect they have shown in the years since the Kurtow earthquake. As time goes by, only more questions arise: Why were residents not relocated immediately after the disaster? What happened to the government funds that were allocated for aid and emergency resources?  Why have redevelopment efforts repeatedly stalled?

The people of Pallad City demand answers. Justice for Kurtow is long overdue.

GunRiot. Story by Midnight. Art by Kuraikabe1990.