GunRiot, Page 41
The following is an excerpt from the book, City of Ruin, by Naria Heft. [Originally published five years ago.]
The earthquake caused such catastrophic damage to Kurtow that, even today, the full extent of destruction is unknown. Though analysts conducted assessments and inspections in the months that followed, the eventual decision to abandon and segregate Kurtow from the rest of Pallad City lead to a lack of post-earthquake investigations. Any long-term damage to structures and terrain have never been officially determined.
Experts claim that many artificial structures, such as buildings and bridges, are likely to be potentially hazardous and in danger of collapsing. Even natural environments, such as those in the Yakaros subdistrict, may have been destabilized from the quake.
GunRiot. Story by Midnight. Art by Kuraikabe1990.
Now it’s a question of how high up she is. Does she have time to put the parachute on and then deploy it? If not, she needs to figure a way to very quickly secure herself to it so it doesn’t get ripped out of her hands when she does deploys it. Then she needs to deploy it (which takes time) and hope to avoid all the debris raining around her. She not out of the woods yet. 🙂
Tru dat.